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Key West Gone into the Night Page 3

  She shoved her chair away from the computer and rolled over to her phone.

  “I need to speak with Detective Sharkey,” she said sharply.

  “Use a little finesse,” Connor suggested.

  She glared at Connor then spoke in her normal voice to Sharkey.

  “Sharkey, look, this is Mckenzie Jones, reporter for the Eye on Key West…”

  Sharkey chuckled. “Yes, Miss Jones. I’m well aware of who you are.”

  “I need more information on the body found on Government Road this morning.”

  “I’ve told you everything I have to release at this point.”

  “The scanner says that there’s a lot of police cars at the Sands Inn Motel this afternoon. What’s happening?”

  “This has become a sensitive case. We have identified the woman but her next of kin have not yet been notified. I’ll let you know when that happens.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  “Of course you will. Check out the mayor’s daughter’s wedding.”

  “A wedding? Yeah, I’ll do that when I see you checking parking meters.”

  “I’ll be in touch.” Sharkey hung up.

  “Damn. All right, Sharkey, be that way.” She said to the handset before she slammed it down. She shoved away from the phone and rolled back to the computer and looked at Connor. “He can be an unpleasant guy.” It wasn’t a full snarl on her face, but close to it. “Can you believe he hung up on me?”

  “Come on, get that drivel to Barney and let’s go,” Connor said softly. He headed for the door and she hit the send key and followed.

  “Get in the car. Try to relax.”

  She grumbled but did as he asked.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.” He pulled out into traffic and headed for Eaton Street. Pulling into a driveway he stopped and got out.

  “Who lives here?”

  “That depends on if you like it.”


  “Here.” He handed her a key to the house. It had lush foliage surrounding it and a white picket fence.

  Mckenzie looked stunned but she walked through the gate and up to the front door and opened it. There was a large open living room, with a loft. She threw a look at Connor, who just said, “Take a look around.”

  “It’s homey.” She walked through the house. Connor followed, opening doors as he went. “Kitchen, guest room, bath, extra bedroom, miscellaneous rooms.”

  He finally stopped her. “This is the master bedroom,” he swung the door open and she took a sharp intake of breath. It was furnished with a king-size bed, dressers, plants. The large window curtain was pulled shut.

  “What’s behind this?”

  “Pull it open.”

  It opened on to a patio and a pool.

  She walked out and along the side of the medium-sized pool.

  “That’s the pool house and the hot tub,” he said.

  “Okay, what’s the deal?”

  “If you like it, it’s ours.”


  “Na, I’m just kidding,” Connor said giving her his poker face.

  “You never kid,” she said seriously.

  “You’re right. I traded it for my condo in Jamaica. Now I just need someone to live here with me and make this house a home. It’s modest, but with some work I can make it livable for the long term.”

  She ran towards him and flew into his arms. “Yes. I love it.”

  He laughed and twirled her around in a circle. She looked into his eyes. “I love you,” she said, kissing him.

  He smiled. “I love you, too. I’ve never told anyone that before, except my mother.”

  “I believe you. When can we move?”

  “Today. The legal stuff has been done. Sharkey isn’t going to call you today and your story has gone to print, well, posted to the internet.”

  “Show me through the house again.”

  “Okay. We have all night.”

  * * *

  Back at the station, Sharkey and Harris discussed the possibility of a ransom situation.

  “We need to find out who the rest of the family is. She’s not wearing a ring and she has a boy and a Hispanic baby with a different name. We’re looking at two fathers.”

  “That’s all fine and dandy, but if we’re looking at a kidnapping, who the hell gets the ransom call?” Harris asked. “Unless they’re putting the heat on Trujillo. But where the hell is he?”

  “Maybe this isn’t kidnapping but an abduction. He killed her and has both kids. We need to find him. Let’s get everything on Susan Abbott,” Sharkey said. “She had a rental car, so she has a driver’s license and an address.”

  Officer Debbie Anderson came in with several papers. “Susan Abbott and Carl Abbott are separated. Just came through. About 18 months ago. No address for him yet. I’ll run his name for arrests, warrants and a driver’s license.”

  She returned to the office a few minutes later. “I got it. Carl Abbott, last address was Miami, Florida.” There were more keyboard clicks. “Got a phone number.”

  “I’ll call him,” said Sharkey.

  The call rang through. “This is Detective David Sharkey, Key West Police Department. I am trying to reach Mr. Abbott.”

  “Yeah? Ah, how can I help you?” His voice sounded skeptical. “You for real?”

  “Yes, sir, we are. We’re trying to reach the husband of Susan Abbott.”

  “I’m her husband but we’ve been separated for a year and half. Her number…”

  “I don’t need her number. I’m calling to inform you that her body was found this morning in Key West.”

  “Her body? No, that can’t be… I’ll call her…”

  “We have identified her from her driver’s license and it’s a match to your wife. We would like you to make a positive identification. I’m deeply sorry.”

  “Where’s my kid?”

  “We were hoping they were with you. I take it you haven’t heard from anyone demanding money.”

  “Money? No. That would be a dead end. What was she doing in Key West?”

  “We don’t know. We were hoping you could help us with that too.”

  “I’m sorry…I feel sick…”

  “Take a deep breath, sir and sit down.”

  Sharkey heard several long inhales of breath. “Okay, what do I do now? Ah, her mother…I’ll need to call…no, go see her… She lives here in Miami. What do I say? She’s not going to take this well.” His voice broke and it sounded like he was starting to cry.

  “Mr. Abbott, if you want me to, I can call her,” Sharkey offered.

  There was a long pause. “No, she should hear it from me. I’ll pick her up and bring her down with me. She’s freshly divorced…She can’t be alone with this kind of news.”

  “Let me know when you get into town. I’ll give you my personal number.”

  Harris shook his head. “Glad you took that call. I can’t ever get through doing that without breaking down myself.”

  “One of the worst parts of our job. Never gets better or easier. He’s going to bring her mother with him and call me when they get here. Could be tomorrow afternoon. Let’s keep this quiet until after they get here.”

  “It’s getting late. Why don’t you go home, and I’ll keep an eye on the reports coming in from forensics,” Sharkey said.

  “Okay. Get some rest. This could get worse before it’s over.”

  “Yeah, give my best to Amy.”

  “Will do.”

  Sharkey glanced at the clock. It was after six. He longed to hold his children in his arms. As he drove home, he couldn’t get Carl Abbott’s voice out of his mind. The horror and disbelief were so intense. He pulled into the yard and Camie met him on the porch.

  “I have a good dinner ready for you.”

  Sharkey chuckled. “Okay, I’m ready.” Camie looked into his eyes and was surprised at what she saw.

  “Come on,” she took his hand and led him int
o the living room. “He’s here,” she announced.

  Danny and Danielle squealed and jumped out from behind the sofa. “Daddy, surprise.” They held up a paper sign that said, “Best Daddy in the World.”

  Sharkey laughed and picked them up. “You made that sign all by yourselves?”

  “Mommy helped a little.” They laughed and hugged him.

  “Okay let’s eat,” Camie said.

  “Yeah, we’re starved,” Danny said.

  After dinner, Sharkey and Camie went out on the porch and watched the kids play catch.

  “I take it you had a bad day,” Camie said, holding his hand.

  “Yeah, about the worst. We had a call for a body found on Government Road.”

  “I saw that on the internet.”

  “It gets worse. The woman has two missing kids. I got hold of the father of one of the kids, the estranged husband of the victim. The other baby’s father is nowhere to be found. The grandmother is coming in tomorrow with the husband. The mother seemed so young…and sweet. It was so sad.”

  “What are the chances of getting the kids back?”

  “Who knows? We’ll do what we can, but statistically, not good. We haven’t a clue on their location. I’ll get more information and reports tomorrow.”

  “I’m so sorry, Sharkey…now I understand what I saw in your eyes. There but for the grace of God go any parents.”

  “This was well planned. The mother was killed and children were taken out of a motel across town. There are lots of questions. It’s just me and Harris. Webber is out on a mandatory seminar for at least the next week.”

  “Great timing. Come love, take a shower and we’ll make the world go away for the rest of the night together.”

  “I don’t know what I would do without you,” Sharkey said softly as he held her close.

  “You don’t have to worry about that,” she said, pulling him up off the couch. “I’ll get the kids ready for bed and you head for the shower.”

  * * *

  Amy was waiting for Harris outside the hospital. She waved and hurried over to the car when he pulled up.

  “Hi, Love. How was your day?” she asked, kissing his cheek. “What’s wrong?” Her face mirrored her concern.

  “We had a bad day. A murder and possible kidnapping of kids…one only a baby.”

  “Oh no, that’s awful.” Her face showed shock and dismay.

  “You got any kids in the hospital that might have come in last night?”

  “No. We have only three patients in the children’s ward. They came in a few days ago.”

  “Okay,” Harris said, “I didn’t think it would be that easy. Look, how about a quiet dinner at the Italian Restaurant or get takeout and go home. It’s going to be a rough day tomorrow.”

  “Of course.”

  Harris went into the restaurant and ordered two takeout dinners. He returned to the car with the food then drove home.

  “By the way, Sharkey said that Camie would be getting hold of you about us coming to dinner.”

  “Good. I love Sharkey and Camie.” She smiled. “I don’t think I’ve been this happy in a long time. It’s gonna be good, yeah?”

  “It’s going to be great. It sounds like just what I needed. You always know just what to say, my amazing lady.”

  Amy set out dinner and they sat down on the back porch.

  “This is the second time that you and Sharkey have had a big case and Doug Webber hasn’t been there. He isn’t thinking of leaving, is he?”

  “I should hope to shout not. We had a hell of a time on the last cases when he was gone.”

  “You know, when a baby comes along, people start to see their world differently. Gloria and he both being police may cause them to rethink their futures. It’s not an easy life and when the impacts fall over to the children, it changes things.”

  “They’re a great couple, and our department wouldn’t be the same without them. Guess it’s their decision.”

  “Come on, Sweetie, let’s eat and get some rest. Tomorrow could be full of surprises.”

  Sunday Morning

  As Sharkey and Harris walked across the parking lot to the station, Sharkey said, “Let’s concentrate on finding this Trujillo guy. Trujillo is pretty common in Hispanic countries and this part of the U.S Southern Florida.”

  “Great. I’ll run the name through our system and maybe check with Interpole to see if he’s in their system.”

  Sharkey’s cell phone rang.

  “Detective Sharkey. How can I help you?”

  “This is Carl Abbott.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Abbott. Everything, all right?” Sharkey asked.

  “Yes, I have Susan’s mother with me, and we’re just leaving Miami for Key West.”

  “Take your time and drive safely. Getting here fast won’t change what you need to do. Let me know when you get to town.”

  “I will,” Carl said. “We’ll stop for lunch and should be in Key West around three this afternoon.”

  “Call me.” He turned to Harris. “ETA for Abbott and his mother-in-law will be around three.” Sharkey said.

  “Man, this is going to be rough for them. That’s got to be the worst news ever and it comes like a stab through the heart. And seeing the body just makes it real. That stab through the heart makes it bleed.” Harris said.

  “We don’t know what to expect. Something tells me this could get dicey. There’s that little voice whispering, we need to proceed with caution. We don’t know who to trust. Just my gut talking.”

  “A good cop always listens to that. Forensics turned up anything?” Harris asked.

  In the office Sharkey pulled up his reports page. “From the crime scene they found nothing. The rain took care of that. They checked the surrounding area and didn’t find any signs of anything that could pertain to the victim.”

  “Did they use the dogs?”

  “Yeah, but the K-9 report didn’t pick up anything either. They took the diaper and the toy, and the articles from the bed where the older kid slept. Also went over the clearing and surrounding areas outside and came up with nothing. Whoever took them was careful. They have some hairs that don’t match the mother, but it was at a motel. Don’t get too excited yet.”

  “I’ve got a call into the Miami police to get a search warrant for Susan Abbott’s house. That may give us better information on who she knew. Maybe more information on Carl Abbott, too, and I’m asking for anything that might lead us to Javier Trujillo. I intend to push Abbott and Mrs. Williams. They may be able to tell us enough about him to find him.”

  “Something’s got to give.”

  On a hunch Sharkey called Rex Jamison.

  “Hey, Rex, I’m in need of your brain.”

  Rex chuckled. “You going to use a shovel or pickax?”

  “At this point, just scratching the surface might help.”


  “What do you know about child kidnapping?”

  “Usually, it’s abduction by a relative. FBI has made it too dangerous for off-the-shelf monetary work to sell them back to the owner. The other thing could be child trafficking. It’s a lot harder to catch because you don’t know who’s buying. If you got the time, I’ll come on over.”

  “Yeah, we don’t have much yet.”

  “I’ll be there in ten,” Rex said.

  “I’ll be waiting in the lobby.”

  * * *

  The sky was clear over the overseas highway heading south with only a few distant clouds on the horizon as Carl Abbott drove toward Key West. Stephanie Williams sat in the passenger seat staring out the window. Her short salt and pepper colored hair was blowing in the wind. Her face was heavy with make-up to cover up her grief. She periodically pulled down the mirror to dab and smear.

  “I don’t understand. Susan is dead, and the children are missing. My Lord, what is this world coming to?” Stephanie said, disgusted.

  “We should know more when we talk to the detective. He didn’t g
ive me any details.”

  “They never do…I read about things like this. You can’t trust the police to know anything and they’ll tell you less.” Stephanie spat out the words.

  “Detective Sharkey seemed pretty nice,” Carl said.

  “Yeah, they always do at the start. He’s playing the good cop. Soon enough you’ll meet the bad cop. You’ll know it because that’s the one that accuses you of killing her. ‘It’s always the spouse.’ They have a script. They don’t really think, they just follow the script. Just watch. Don’t let them fluster you. They have tricks. They do this all the time. Innocents like us are just supposed to smile and think that they’re just doing their job to catch bad guys, and that they don’t really enjoy the pain they cause.”

  “You’re thinking about Susan’s father?” Carl asked.

  Stephanie snorted. “That jerk? Hell no. He might have been a good cop, but he was a worthless husband and father. If he had been a decent father, she might not be dead. I have no idea where he is. Nor do I care.”

  “So, you haven’t called him?”

  “Hell no. Couldn’t if I wanted to. Don’t know where he’s at. For all I know, he’s in some big city, who knows where. That’s what he wanted. The bigger the better because they have more creeps and degenerates to chase. I don’t want to talk about him. It upsets my stomach. Haven’t heard from him or thought about him since he left. That was a long time ago. A long time.”

  “Okay. We should be in Key West about three. I booked us into a hotel and was able to get two rooms next each other. You need anything, I’m just next door.”

  She smiled. “Thanks, I’ll hold you to that…”

  She reached in her purse and pulled out a candy bar. “Want some? I get low blood sugars.”

  He shook his head no.

  “Susan was just like me. At first, she just adored her father. Then something changed. He was never there when she needed him…I’m glad that I have you to lean on. This is just awful. And that new baby…” She stopped to lick the chocolate off her fingers. “She never even let on she was pregnant. She had to get knocked up by a foreigner. I don’t want anything to do with that baby.”